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Quality Guaranteed


As far as Golden Retrievers go the general rule is that they make great family pets because of their fantastic temperements and loving nature. Tweed is no exception. With an extremely fluffy, waggy tail and golden waves of fur she is an absolute stunning example of the working Golden Retriever.

Now an experienced mum she continues an excellent track record of producing healthy balanced litters that grow up and become remarkable dogs.


"The apple never falls far from the tree"

Some of the oldest sayings are nothing but the closest thing to the truth.

This is certainly the case for River.

Following very closely in Tweed's footsteps River shares the same qualities as her mum. Her kind loving nature combined with her auburn coat leaves her nothing short of exactly what the working Golden Retriever should be.


This adorable, cheeky bundle of fluff is partly how Rowanvale started. With one beloved Dam and some hopeful ideas we began our puppy adventures.

As a Working Cocker, naturally, Briar is always on the move and forever finding new ways to put smiles on our faces.

This energetic breed make great companions that completely devote themselves to you.



Jessie is the latest addition to the Rowanvale family! With Briar coming up to retirement, it only felt right to keep one of her pups from her last litter and what a gem she's turning out to be. Just like her mum she is loving, gentle and loyal to the core.

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